Digital Ads
Take your digital advertising to the next level with a custom campaign. Incorporate native adverting, microsites, splash pages, lead generation, and more to increase followers and grow your email database and online consumers. We can also coordinate your social media pages to create a targeted for you.
Impression based ads
Tower Ads (30k impressions) $549
Tower Ads Enhanced* (100K impressions) $1500
Tower Ads Premium* (150K impressions) $2000
Banner Ads (30k impressions) $789
Double Banner Gallery Ad $989
Double Tower Ad $789
The Cube
Includes your Logo, Call to Action, Automatic Slideshow, Caption Images
4 different sizes
300x250 $689
300x600 $889
728x90 $845
970x250 $989
*Enhanced and Premium ads are displayed not only on ChesapeakeFamily.com but deliver your message to the right person at the right time across multiple platforms that follow your most likely prospects for more business. 3 month minimum is required.
Monthly Section Sponsorship
Sponsorships are $579 unless otherwise stated.
Directory Listings
Directory Listing with microsite: includes premium positioning logo, live link, video or photos, application downloads, program description and more. $79/month with annual contract.
Digital Magazine
This easy to read and interactive digital magazine goes beyond the typical PDF. Emailed out monthly with a focus on family and lifestyle, the advertising possibilities in this format allows us to include direct links, video, interactive galleries and even website frames so your website becomes your ad. Browse through the example below and then reach out to us to see how we can make your advertisement more effective.
Digital engagement will reach influential
moms online, on their mobile devices
and their social media.